Saturday, August 10, 2013

Her Birthday & Our Best Day!

26 years ago today, John and I had the best day of our lives....

Let me back up a bit. That day, 26 years ago, started out around 3:00 am for me. Waking up from slight pains in my stomach.  It wasn't until I realized that the pains were coming off and on every 10 mins, that I thought...THIS IS IT!!! OMG!!! I'm having a baby! Yikes!  

I reached over and nudged John and said "I think it is time"...can you believe I said it like that? But I remember it well because right after I said it the bed started shaking! That's right, after hearing me say "it was time", John started shaking so much that the whole bed started shaking!  It's funny now...well, it was also funny then, but I couldn't tell him that! 

The rest of that day is kind of a blur to me thank goodness!  I do know there was a lot of pain involved and a bit of puking, but there was also a lot of excitement! We were about to become parents!  We didn't find out the sex of the baby a head of time, so we also had the excitement of finding out if we would have a boy or girl.  You would also think we were having the "Royal Baby" with all the family members who were showing up at the hospital! Royal no, but this was going to be the first grandchild and niece or nephew for both sides of our family, so everyone was excited. 

Finally at 9:49 pm on August 10, 1987 John and I became parents to a beautiful baby girl, Lisa NiCole Werntz (now Miller) and it became the best day of our lives! 

Today is HER birthday, but our BEST day! And with that can't have a birthday without cake...

Happy Birthday Lisa!! 

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