Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Being Played by the Stray?

Guess what this is?

It is the inside of the house I got for the stray cat we have been feeding for several months now.  It spends a lot of time inside this house but I've been unable to take a picture of it inside because every time I open our door he/she comes out. 

We have no idea who, if anyone, this cat belongs to.  I know that it leaves every night, perhaps going inside a nice warm home? Yet, every morning it is waiting outside our door waiting to be fed and then it spends most of the day at our house. 

It is a very healthy looking and friendly cat. In fact, it probably weighs twice what our cat weights...maybe we are being "played" for an extra meal a day!?! If that's the case, it is a smart cat too!

We've enjoyed having it around, but I know the colder and nastier it becomes outside this winter, I'm going to have a hard time seeing it out there!  I just can't let it in because it does have front claws and has been scratching the posts on our deck and the screen on our door, so I know it will tear up our, I don't think our cat Luckie would appreciate it!!  Let's just hope for a very mild winter!

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