Monday, December 17, 2012

Parenting Wake-Up Call

Newtown, Connecticut

Did it take this tragedy for you to tell your child that you love them? To wrap your arms around them? To laugh with play with just spend a little time with them?

Does your child know they are loved...REALLY know they are loved?  If they left this world today, would you know that your child felt loved?

Do you know your child's Principal? Your child's Teacher? Do you know how important your child's teacher is to them?  Your child's teacher spends more waking hours a day with them than you do. They spend more waking hours a day with your child than they spend with their own children.  Because of this a bond is formed. 

We all know a parent will give their life to save their child.  But who else do we know, who isn't related, that would give their lives for our children?  Police Officers, Fire Fighters..... and yes, Teachers. 

Before this tragedy, did you know that your child's teacher would step in when your aren't there and protect them like you would?  That when faced with the unthinkable like in Newtown,  they would want your child to hear the words "I love you" ... because they know you would want them to hear those words at that moment.

Let this tragedy open your eyes to see your child's teacher differently. That you not only see an educator, but a care giver, a protector.... someone who genuinely cares for your child's welfare. Teacher's want to see parents get involved in their child's education. So help your child with their homework. Proudly watch their school plays and choir concerts.  Display their spelling tests and artwork on the refrigerator. 

Don't let busy schedules and long work days rob you of the precious time you have with your child. After all, how long does it take to ask your child about their day? How long does it take to read a story? only takes minutes to do these things.  I think we can fit that into our schedules.  Little things like this mean the world to our children. 

And there are 20 sets of parents that would give everything to be able to do it just one more time.

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