Tuesday, September 11, 2012

It's Poison Ivy

My rash has gotten worse. It is now on my arm, neck, face, stomach & leg and it is itching so much it's driving me crazy!  I know now that it is poison ivy.

But of course the doctor won't take my word for it, because my "word" can't be deposited into his bank account! I'm also told that his schedule for the day is booked up but that I can come at the end of the day and he will see me then.  She added that I should be prepared to wait because they have already told about 5 other people that they can come at the end of the day too.  Oh brother!

The itching is driving me crazy so I go, I wait, and....he says it looks like poison ivy. 

I then head to CVS to get my prescription filled and while I was sitting there I told the lady next to me that I think it takes as long here as it does at the doctors office and she and about 8 others who were standing and sitting there agreed! 

Now I'm just hoping this medicine start working ASAP!

Side Note: I wish my "word" could be deposited into a bank account because I'd be really rich! LOL

1 comment:

  1. I sure hope that the medicine works. Did he
    say how long it would take to help it?
