Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Late Night Purchase

Late one night, about a week or so ago, while John was sleeping, I was up flipping channels on the tv.  Tired, but unable to sleep, I flipped from one late night program to another until I landed on one of those home shopping networks where they were demonstrating something that my tired eyes thought looked pretty darn good! 

IT WAS A BOWL WITH A FOOD CHOPPER BUILT INTO THE LID!!  I watched in amazement as they chopped one thing after another. There were all these different blades and it even came with an additional storage lid AND it came in lots of different colors!

The next thing I knew, I was on the phone ordering it....."In red please".

Skip a head a few days later when a package shows up at my door and I wonder what can this be?? 

Of course, after opening it, it all came back to me and I had to try it right away....

This was strawberries and peaches (the only thing I had at that time that could be chopped) and I called it "Fruit Relish".

Note to myself: Read the warnings...they are there for a reason!

Despite the injury, I think I will use this from time to time so it wasn't a total waste of money, plus Luckie got a new box!


  1. Looks like it might be a handy gadget and so
    nice for Lucky to get a new box to play in
    probably made her day.

  2. When I order things like that, I get in trouble....
