Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Decision Time!

This past weekend I had a decision to make...

About a week ago my old employer called and asked if I would consider coming back to work for them.  It has been 3 years since I worked for them and I haven't been "employed" since. 

For those past 3 years I've managed to keep myself pretty busy and not working allowed me to spend just about every day with my dad in the nursing home before he passed away, for which I'm truly thankful. I was also able to help my mom make the move from living in Warsaw and walked her through purchasing her first place on her own, a condo in Mishawaka.
I also had shoulder surgery and rehab during this time which left me wondering what I could do to keep busy while recovering?  Well, I found that I could paint!  So I painted just about everything.  Our storage shed, Lisa and Ty's storage shed, the 2 car garage at our rental property...even a faux rug on our deck! 

Then recently we opened E-Six Flea Market Style and I've been busy refinishing furniture to sell there....life was going pretty good for me.   

Anyway, after a meeting on friday, I had the weekend to make my decision.  I really struggled with it...who couldn't use the money right?  But could I go back to work and still be available to take my mom to doctor's appointments? Would I be able to keep E-Six?  Can I physically do all the work anymore?  After all, when I worked there before I said I didn't want to be doing this in my 50's....and here I am in my 50's.

Then it happened...I was sitting in our office at this very desk weighing everything in my mind.  Should I or shouldn't I...when I looked up and saw this
I purchased this sign some time ago. Did I purchase it because I believed in what it said or because I thought it was cute?  I kept reading it...."Things Happen For A Reason, Just Believe".

I felt like it was a sign (no pun intended). So, I've made the decision to return to work.  John seems happy about it. I'm sure it takes some pressure off him. I just hope I'm able to keep refinishing furniture to E-Six going because we just started it and I've been enjoying it. It would seem like a failure to close it up so soon. I will have set days off so I should be able to take my mom to appointments and I also hope to keep up with my blog. I'm putting a lot of faith into that sign...I guess I'm going to just believe!    

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