Sunday, August 12, 2012

Crayon Art Owl

I wanted to make something for Lisa for her birthday that she could put in her classroom.  I heard about art made with kids crayons, so this is something I came up with, keeping in mind, her owl themed room.

After painting a light teal background on the canvas, I used painters tape to make an owl shape:

Then I picked out the colors of crayons I wanted to use (teals, blues, greens & browns) and started cutting them in half:

Then I hot glued them to the top of the canvas:

Using a heat gun, I melted the crayons until most of the tape was covered.  While the melted crayon was still warm, I used the point of a shape knife to removed the tape.  This is how it turned out:

The crayon bled under the tape, but I think I like it better than if it had came out a clean white line.

1 comment:

  1. It takes a lot of imagination and patience
    to do these projects
