Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Day of Savings & Free Money!

This kind of day doesn't happen to me often, so I needed to tell you about it. Around 10:00 this morning I sold 2 clothes racks that I listed on Craigs List.  I asked $40 each and the woman that came asked if I'd take $70 for both?  We settled on $75.  

That's pretty good right? Well, let me tell you what makes it even better....I got these racks out of a dumpster!  Yes, I dumpster dived, which means I paid nothing for them. Yep, FREE!!  It was when I was working and the clothing store next door was throwing out a bunch of really nice racks and displays, so I helped myself.

So now I have $75 dollars and I'm in need of a Heat Gun for a new project I'm working on.  I jump in my car and go get this bad boy from a local pawn shop for $15. Good deal right? Especially when you are buying it with free money!

Then I head to CVS to get John's prescription filled and where I get this box of hair color FOR FREE with some CVS bucks.

My last stop was the grocery store to pick up a few items....which were also free because I bought them with my FREE MONEY!

I wish I could do this sort of thing every day....but not sure I want to dumpster dive again! 

   PS: Yes, the Maple Buns are for me. :)

1 comment:

  1. You should be happy, not very many people can
    have a day like you just had. Hip Hip Hurray!!
