Monday, August 13, 2012

Chevron Crayon Art

Here's another crayon art design I made for Lisa.  She has really been into the Chevron pattern lately, so I decided to make that design with crayons...

This looks easier than it actually was.  I had to do a lot of measuring and line drawing to figure out the best layout for the size frame I was going to use, but once that was done, it was just a lot of cutting, hot glue....and a burnt finger!

Amazing how you can take something as simple as kids crayons, put it in a frame and all of the sudden it is art.

With all the Back to School specials it's a good time to buy crayons, but I can't wait until it all goes on clearance so I can stock up for future projects!

1 comment:

  1. This turned out terrific, I couldn' imagine
    what it was going to look like.
