Thursday, May 16, 2013

Wicked Week

It has been a busy week! 

Monday I worked 14 hours and every minute of it was on my feet.  No joke, I didn't sit down once!

Tuesday, needless to say, I was moving pretty slow but did managed to get one hutch/cabinet sanded, started painting some decorative things I bought last Friday and got 4 loads of laundry done.

Wednesday....well, it was literally "Wicked"!!! :)
And Thursday, as I was heading out to my car for work, I once again came face to face with a reminder that I might not be able to keep up with everything...a line up of furniture that is waiting for me to work on it!
This is just in the garage. We have several more pieces sitting in the basement too!

Thankfully Thursday also brought this...
This Azalea bush hasn't bloomed for the past 2 years because frost always gets to it, but I remembered to cover it this year! Maybe it is reminding me to take time to stop and smell the roses!

1 comment:

  1. The Azalea bush is beautiful.
    Happy Anniversary Carole & John
