Friday, May 10, 2013

Fun Friday

I did not get one piece of furniture done this week. :(  I did however spend today going to a couple estate sales, one barn sale and a garage sale. I didn't find any affordable furniture pieces but did find some smaller things for the booth.  

I met the guy who had the barn sale and he actually knew about my booth E-Six!  He named some of the furniture pieces I had in the booth and told me that I did good work and also said that he didn't think I priced my items high enough. He gave me a lot of good information.  His barn was filled with a lot of things I would loved to have but they were already refinished. It was weird to meet a stranger and find out they know about things you've been doing.  Weird in a good way.

When I was heading home, my car filled with an old window, a 3 1/2' x 3 1/2' wooden game board, a big star made out of tree branches, baskets, a rusty old tonka toy, etc. I get a call from John asking me to stop at MSC to pick up something he ordered for work. (MSC closes at 5:00 so he wouldn't get there in time)  So I stop there on my way home, go in, sign the paperwork and they bring out this 8 inch x 5 foot long pipe!  Hello? I drive a Mini Cooper and it is filled with my shopping treasures!?!  So I rearrange my stuff and get it in...almost touching my windshield!

So that was my day...and I loved it!  We finished up with dinner and a movie....

Now I'm heading to bed because I have work tomorrow.  I hope all of you have a wonderful Mother's Day Sunday!!

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