Thursday, January 10, 2013

Pet Peeves

Are there things that tick you off? That irritate you? Things that OTHER people do that just grate on your nerves? 

Definitions from Wikipedia:
A pet peeve (or pet hate) is a minor annoyance that an individual identifies as particularly annoying to them, to a greater degree than others may find it.

Yes, these things are called Pet Peeves and I have a few (maybe a lot) of them...

Restroom Pet Peeves:

- Not replacing the toilet paper when you used the very last square. This also applies to paper towels & kleenex.

- Walking into a public restroom stall and the toilet wasn't flushed.  Who does that?  Do these people not flush at home?

- Public restrooms that have toilet paper so thin you can see through it.  They aren't saving any money when we have to use 10 times as much!

- Public restrooms that only have hand blow dryers.  Who has time for that? I need paper towels please!

- Public restroom stalls with broken or missing locks.

- Public restroom stalls with 2" gaps around the doors....Peek-A-Boo!

Driving Pet Peeves:

- Parking Spot Hogs...the person that parks over the line taking up 2 parking spots.

Love this! I need to get some chalk!

- Parking Spot Stealers: The person that pulls into your spot when you were clearly sitting there with your turn signal on, patiently waiting for the spot to be empty.

- When someone pulls out in front of you and then             drives  r  e  a  l  l  y   s  l  o  w. 

- People that don't clean the snow or ice off their car windows. 

- Children not seat belted or in car seats.

- Pot Holes.

Looks like Lincolnway between Mishawaka  & Elkhart  in Indiana/

- Speed limit signs under 45 mph.

- Traffic lights that turn red when there are no other cars in sight.

-Getting caught behind school buses, city buses, snow plows, mail trucks, garbage trucks or semi trucks.

Restaurant Pet Peeves:

- Dirty sticky menus.

-Restaurants with long waits and absolutely no room to sit or stand while you are waiting.

-Getting a big basket of rolls and only getting one thing of butter.

- 2 bites into my meal, the waitress asks if I'm ready to order dessert.

- When the drive-thru attendant tells you to pull forward and they will bring your order out to you. True statement: One time I told the girl "Oh, that's ok, I'll just wait right here" and I didn't pull forward! :)

- Being carded when ordering an alcoholic beverage.

- Not being carded when ordering an alcoholic  beverage!

Misc. Pet Peeves:

-When I'm flipping between 2 different tv shows and the volume is different for each show. 

-When I'm flipping between 2 different tv shows and their commercials are airing at the exact same time. 

-When a tall person sits right in front of me at a movie, sporting event, or theatre....happens every single time!

- People that bring small children to "R" rated movies.

-Receiving 12 bags of groceries with only 2 items in each bag.

-Anything uneven or crooked.

- Stores that have 25 check out lanes and only have 3 of them open.  Even worse, the 3 that are open are by the exit clear on the other side of the store.....the exit you didn't park by!

WAIT! ! !  I'm starting to get embarrassed by how many pet peeves I have!  So I will stop now.

I would like to add that I don't mind 25 mph speed limit signs in school zones. I never get into the 10 Item or Less line with more than 10 items.  And even if I'm in a hurry, I don't mind getting caught behind an Amish horse and buggy. 

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