Thursday, July 26, 2012

Circle Tree

Lisa told me about this tree she saw online that was made out of circles.  She asked if I thought I could make one of them on a wall in her kindergarten classroom.  I took a look and thought it would be a pretty simple thing to do.  The tree online used construction paper for the trunk of the tree, but I thought I'd use contact paper that looks like wood.  The worst part of the whole thing was cutting out all the circles.  I suggest that you make yourself comfortable on the couch and start cutting cause it's going to take awhile!

Once we were at the school, I cut a tree trunk shape out of the contact paper and applied it to the wall.

Using a repositional spray glue I started adding the circles.  Warning!!! You will end up covered with spray glue!

I started with the largest circles first and then started layering the smaller ones on top.  That's all there was to it!

1 comment:

  1. Really neat tree. when you told me about it
    I couldn't imagine what it would look like.
    Now I know.
