Hi everyone! Hope you had a wonderful and safe 4th of July! We did our normal night at the Cove on Tuesday night with Lisa and Ty for the game and fireworks show. If you haven't been to the Cove in awhile you should go. They have really made some very nice improvements to the place.
Then yesterday we had our annual 4th of July cookout and fireworks show put on by John and Ty. We didn't have as many people show up this year, but it was still a lot of fun. Here's some pic's....
After we ate too much food, we sat around the fire waiting for it to get dark enough to do the fireworks.
We started with the lanterns. Harper and Hayden did one and Lisa and Ty did the other one. I always like these!
I took about 25 pictures of the fireworks, but this is the only one that turned out...my other 24 pic's were just black!
And here is a small portion of the damage when they were done. You may see a mess to clean up, but all I see is dollar signs floating up in the smoke!
A night with good food and family. You can't ask for much more than that!